Camera tracking: how to get animation curves?

Hello :)!

I’ve been critiquing many works and suddenly realised that I need alot of improvement on my skills myself.

so… Questions!

I’ve made a simple animation of a fighterjet-shaped basemesh. it’s moving along a curve.

Question one: is there any way that I can change the speed? In the beginning I want the jet to go slow but as it flies by the camera i want it at supersonic speed. Any way to do this?

Question two: The camera is tracking the jet. I do want to tweak the animations a bit. Is there any way that I can get the animation curves for both the camera and the jet? If I look at the Animation Curves Editor, I see no curves but i do need them.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Happy blending!

For the speed you can use the speed curve in the graph editor. When you select the path you may find the speed curve in the left panel of the graph editor (It works like this in the 2.49).
Then with the speed curve selected you must add keys by a left clic.

For the second question it’s not a good idea, you need two different path, one for the camera and one for the jet with the speed curves you need for each one. The camera has a “track to” modifier on the jet.