Camera view is not working


Quite new to Blender. Been working with it for 3 months now.

I have a scene with a camera following a charakter. I don’t know what happened but I just can’t go to camera view anymore. Everytime I press the button in the program or numpad0 the view moves to a pseudo-camera view somewhere outside my scene. I only have one camera in the scene and that one is the one I used all the time with all the keyframes and it is still there.
And I just can’t make the view go back to that camera and I dont know what that weird spooky camera view is that I always end up with. I can’t sellect it and there is just no object but a thin-lined square similar to the “normal” camera view. I also can “walk” or “fly” with that view…
What is happening?
I DO NOT WANT TO DELETE MY CAMERA !! It’s quite a complicated keyframing I did (or whatever it’s called)
Thank you!

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You may have accidentally set some other object as active camera. Select your camera, and go View -> Cameras -> Set Active Object As Camera.

The difference between hotkeys for switching to camera and setting active object as camera is just the Ctrl key. Perhaps at some point you just hit Ctrl + Num0.

OMG! Thank you! That was it :slight_smile:

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