The behavior of the camera actuator is disgusting? Has anyone written a script which improves upon it?
Pretty vauge post. What about the camera are you looking to improve?
The camera actuator. It’s supposed to follow around your character without the character looking static, but instead it chooses terrible angles and flies al over the place.
when you parent the camera to the actor and turn on slowparent you can get an ‘ok’ camera view all the time, but when the character turns way fast the camera angle gets SUPER screwy and stretchy and can cause nausea, so you cant set the offset frames too high =)
so i parented an empty to the main character with a slow parent offset of 35 frames, then with python i made the camera always copy the location of the empty, and also made it always track to the main actor, works pretty good, still does have that totally active feel like the actuator does, but its a good substitute for games where its imperative to always be able to see in front of you and not have to fool with the camera
the camera and empty both have one line of logic bricks with a python controller… the empty has “slow parent” turned on in the animation window, with an offset of 35 frames(you can turn that up or down depending on how much “leave way” you want)… i added a copy of the scene into “scene2” without the python, just the original parenting, go ahead, turn real fast, and what yourself get sick to the tummy =)
scene 1 is clean so spin spin spin
i hope this is the kind of camera movement you are looking for plantperson, ill keep experimenting this week to get a perfect camera actuator type of script going
Um, blengine. Both scenes seem the same to me…
I don’t get sick on scene 2. It turns almost exactly the same. So…
Your weird.
must be blind
Almost is the key word there.
There’s nto that much distortion, but it’s there.
heres a demo for the “special” cases here at elysiun… check it out… both scenes provide a full side shot of the character(cube) while turning… scene 2 is the clean scene, scene one is dizzy scene…
and saluk, youre smart when it comes to gameblender so you knew what i was talking about… next time you want to try and make me look dumb, make sure i cant back myself up with an ultra solid example
Dude, I’m not trying to make you look bad. I seriously can’t see it. I mean, I see a little bit of distortion in scene 2, but I see a little bit of distortion in scene 1 as well.
And I’m not all-knowing either. I’ve seen this effect before, but I didn’t know what was causing it. Thanks for the much better second example:)
Although you should at least make the offset the same for both versions, although the effect is still visible regardless.
Although you should at least make the offset the same for both versions, although the effect is still visible regardless.
then theyd be different views… both scenes, despite the different offsets, show the full 90 degree side of the character(almost exactly the same view on my comp at full turn)…
but thank you for trying to search for flaws =P
I just want something that keeps the character from being frozen in the center of the screen. Not only does it look bad, it’s not good for the monitor.
Not looking for flaws, just making sure to count for all differences in the file. I’m just trying to understand the effect:)
It’s a very strange effect, maybe if I understand it I can look for the problem in the source. Although most likely I wont find it hehe.
As far as the kind of camera you want Plant, check out the bah_cambug script, it should be what you want. In the future, maybe someone can fix the camera actuator.
-Here is an example made by IconJunky.
yucky… it would actually be really good if the camera movement was smooth… the character and hs animation are great =)
-I have never used this example(I found it on my HD and think it’s not so recent).Anyway, the movement of the camera is computed by a Motion Actuator so I think can be found some better ways to make it smoother.
Awesome, Thanks dudes, I was searching fro a camera script, which didn’t go trough walls, but now I’ve got it, but the camera moves a little bit slow, and not smooth when it hits the walls.
Let me just set the record straight. The camera is ment to follow the player around when he’s moving. When he’s not, it is ment so stay at a particular angle, just like the camera in Tomb Raider, but the camera should move to be behind the player again when he starts moving. If it doesn’t, its probably something wrong with your game. One other thing tho, the camera can’t follow the player up slopes, due to a bug in the engine. If this is the problem you are referring to then you’ll need to use my work-around script Bah_CamBug which you can get from my website.
Keith. 8)