Can an Empty Lock Up?

I have an empty that acts as a parent to an armature and its child. Now it seems that I cannot grab the empty or rotate it. I can grab or rotate other emptys. But this only seems to respond to changes in the IPO window. That’s a bit more clunky than I care to deal with. Is there some state I have set accidently that locks up the empty so it won’t respond to mouse commands?

There does exist locks in the transformation window (hit n key while in 3d window).
Another way the empty will not respond is if you add a copy rotation/location constraint.

As far as mouse interactions, are you not able to even select the empty?

Yes, I checked those locks in the transformation window and all were unlocked.
I’ve been experimenting more and if there is no keyframe, then I can control it.
If I create a loc keyframe then I can only rotate. If I create a rot keyframe, then I can only grab and move.
On the chance that this was just a bug, I created a different empty and childed the other objects to it instead and it acts the same. When that is the case I cannot modify values in the transform panel either.
I can select the empty, and when I tell it to move or rotate, I get the counters on the toolbar showing the values change dynamically. But the empty doesn’t move or rotate.
I tried replicating the problem in another file by making an empty and appending the other objects, but of course it works just fine.:stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve done some more experimentation.
In addition to the armature I had a particle system childed to the empty. Looks like that was the killer. When I have the particle system childed, I cannot move the empty if there are keyframes. If I remove the particle system as a child, then the empty moves normally. Well, I guess now all I have to do is deal with the particle system separately. I guess I can copy the motion data if needed. :stuck_out_tongue: Seems like a bug to me.