I found this wallpaper the other day and thought it really looked cool I then started to wonder how it was done? I don’t know which application rendered it or even if it is a photo-shop project?
Do you think blender could render out a image similar to this? And if so how? Maybe a xray type shader, or using the compositor? What do you guys think
If you surf through the “nodes” sections of the documentation you’ll find some examples of how to do effects similar to these.
Basically, the idea is that you take the normal-vector information and use it in a non-traditional way … to influence the color (say) of the object, and maybe also its transparency. The farther the normal-vector is from “pointing straight at you,” the more intense the color and the deeper the opacity.
“Nodes” really are“the Secret” to a great many things. You can use anything to influence anything else, any way you want to. “The real world” has nothing to do with it.