I was really impressed with this plug, Does Blender have anything like this available?
You could say what it does… After a quick research its a muscle system simulation? There is an addon like this on the blender market but i doubt that is has the same quality. But there are plans to develop this for blender.
I bought X-Muscle. Am playing with it now.
Please leave your opinion on it here. I want to know if it’s useful or not.
Will be awhile before I can leave any credible opinion and as far as comparing to it Ziva well I don’t have Ziva so i will not be able to judge in that regard. I will try to remember to re-post on this.
Did you tried the addon?
Do you remember where you read that there are plans to develop a tissue system for Blender? I mean, other than X-Muscle.
I’ve used both and they are two TOTALLY different things. Ziva is physical simulation and x-muscle system is weight painting, basically. It’s pears and apples, not the same league.
the answer is no. as to my knowledge, blender doesnt have anything that is even remotely similar to what ziva is capable of. it might be possible if you could somehow generate a tethmesh in blender, using softbody sim (which supports non-manifold meshes) you might be able to set something up that jiggles, but i wouldnt know how to recreate the muscle control in blender.
also blender softbody simulation is quite slow.