Can Blender show true vertex count?

I mean considering any split vertex normals or split uv (seams) actually double vertexes along such an edge for actual geometry calculations in real time applications.

So we would see same vertex count as we see when import our geometry to Unreal, Unity etc.


Have u tried that?,triangles%20are%20in%20the%20model.

Thanks for the link Sergey but what this statistic shows is wrong. For example smooth shaded cube is just 8 vertexes and flat shaded should be 28 vertexes.

Actually even smooth shaded cube is never 8 vertexes since it have to get any split edges for UV seams.

That sort of statistic is really matter for any games related 3d object. And what Unity would show when you import an object.

I saw your response in an old thread where there’s been an add-on for this, but seems it doesn’t work in new versions, sadly.

Thing you can do: try to open an old one Blender, and by using an Append tool, do an import of all objects from your .blend file that has been made in new Blender. I’m not sure whether it would work or not, but you can give it a try whatever.

Yeah, seems the only way . Just hoped there might be some hidden option or fresh addon in modern Blender. In 2.79 this addon works like a charm . I have no errors installing it in 3.6 but my guess there is no one big single side panel any more.

There’s also been a thread about that many moons ago

Yeah. it’s about same addon . Wonder if it’s possible to modify it somehow to work in 3.6.

I have zero Python experience unfortunately.

I thought about Python too, by the way

@Ivagr, maybe these threads would help you:

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Thanks for the link [Sergey]. Not sure it will help me. I just figured if I use split modifier with the same auto smooth factor it makes Blender show real statistic and easier to unwrap and edit vertex normals after .

Almost real, since you still have to add uv seams manually on cylindrical fully smoothed shapes.

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