Can Crease and seams loss be avoided while deleting edge loops ?


While i was preparing a video tutorial series for a very basic modelling tutorial i constantly stumbled over following issue:

  • Assume you had already defined seams on a model.
  • Assume further you use a subsurf modifier on the model and you have used Crease to add the edge definitions.

Now whenever i modify the mesh itself especially when i remove edge loops, then i constantly loose parts of the seams and crease information. So i have to redo these settings frequently.

Since the fixing of the seams/crease info meanwhile takes a significant amount of my modelling time, i wonder if i am doing something wrong here, or if i am doing correct but Blender is not clean in this area. Or am i using a wrong or not optimal workflow ? How would it be done better ? I know that i could avoid a lot of work if i had planned ahead on the base shape, but what if i get into this trouble in the middle of my work ? And can not or want not restart from zero ? And what if i want to do optimizations ?

To demonstrate what i mean i add 2 youtube links to some of my draft videos:

This is the part where i have to redo crease information frequently while optimizing a subsurfed mesh:

And here is the part where i have to redo seams information frequently while optimizing the same mesh after i applied the subsurf modifier.

The reason why i want to have the seam definitions intact all the time:

1.) I frequently use the ability to select subsets of faces which get separated by the seams
2.) I want to keep a visual information on where i will later have my final seams for UV-unwrapping.

thanks to whoever finds the time to take a look at this!

omg… the music in the video is horrible… nice shoe though… anyhow…

in Blender press “n” it will bring up the that panel…

Tab into Edit mode
go into edge select mode… and at the top of that pannel you will see a thing called “Mean Crease” 0.000
If you select an edge or loop and raise that number you can set the value you want your crease to be set to…
generally .25, .5, .75, or 1 etc…-

i think that is what you were talking about?