Can everyone help me to.....

another update
i personally dont know until where do i extrude and how do i match the fender to the blue
can i see a clear view of your front and side views with the fenders in edit mode?


can someone send me the blueprints in thier right spots?

that’s not really possible…sorry.
but you can cut them right, so they fit better

as i said before, you have to adjust the blueprints in blender.

look at some reference pics besides the blueprints to “feel” the shape :wink:

if you’re having this big problems model some easier things first and get back to the audi, when you’re ready…

heres a rernder i started on the fender by making a circle and extruding
i cant modell another another car i just cant visualize it right but im rearanging the blueprints first


a little bright…can’t see the shape

(ps. i have send you the blueprint)

im sorry but i didnt get them
the email is
[email protected]

heres a screenshot of what i got so far


ok ive gotten an update


hey that is very neat progress on this one mr knight,

you will learn a lot of new things here,
looking forward to the update.

ok ive gotten an update
the only problem i got is how do you connect the fender and the bonet
also how do you save an animation (in short words plz)


no c&c???

well chose a format i chose AVI codec this is located the same place u chose the image format and the just click anim the file will be save in tmp folder at C:\ just open ur hard drive.
i have never modled a car this way so i cant realy yell u waht to do but its going good so far.

thanx ill check it out

ive gotten another update i whant to start on the doors but i dont know what to do first…
i connected the bonet and fender also extended part of the fender


well i tried at the doors heres the first one

and then the second

man i hate normals
what are they anyway?

hey it’s coming along! slowly but surely you get the methods of car modelling
one thing…get the mirror modifier first, then the subsurf modifier - then you won’t have these seams in the hood

what’s wrong with the normals? I don’t see any normal problem in your last pictures…
in general a face has only one side, the normals define which side will be shown.

keep it up! :slight_smile:

i tried a render with the materials and i found a couple of problems
also i have found out from my modell tha i have a big problem in the hood
the parts in the render are the ones i need to fix


Edit: Nvm, Nice work :slight_smile:

first image: looks like there are
1.flipped normals >> go into edit mode select all verts and ctrl+n to set them right
2. verts doubled >> select all verts and in the edit buttons “rem doubles”

between fender and door…you have to use the same verts at the beginning of the door as you modelled at the end of the fender
select all verts at the fender’s edge shift+d and use them for the door (like you did with the hood <> fender)

i don’t know which problem you mean left and under the second one

the problem on the right…I think it’s because you moved the verts from the rear door up, so they won’t fit with front door

could be the low or missing AO but at the spec on the fender it looks like you didn’t set “set smooth” on this part

these problems can all be fixed quickly, so your model will be looking great some time :slight_smile: