Sorry to be a bother…I tried searching on align but only came up with aligning objects. I am interested in the sub-object level…verts and edges. In 3ds max there was a number of align options, such as align to view…to help make sure that a face was truly flat…mostly with quads.
In Edit Mode, select what you need, then press S (for scale) then 0 and the key for the axis you want to align (X or Y or Z)
Pressing X or Y or Z once will align Locally, pressing the X or Y or Z key a second time will align Globally
That’s with the default setting, instead of Globally, you can choose to align by Normal or by View for when you press a 2nd time the X or Y or Z key, by changing this setting :
in 2.49b :
in 2.58a :
But notice that this setting will only be active for when you press the axis key the second time, everytime you press the axis key when you want to align, it will align locally only.
By example i select a plane and want to align the 4 vertices of it to my current view.
After setting the orientation to View instead of the default Global, i select the 4 vertices of the plane, move the view how i want, press S then 0 then press Z then Z again (Z axis 2 time to setup the alignement to view instead of local) , it will align those 4 vertices to my view.
Thank you both for the help…will try both ways. I really like Blender. I have used 3ds max since it was 3d studio…but now is too costly and I don’t apply my models to anything commercial any more so it is way too expensive to keep up with.
But Blender is showing itself to be a real competitor. I just need more time on the learning end. Thanks again for your help.
I always forget this excellent Loop tool addon, i recommend it too, its Flatten function works very well and is leading into less key pressing than doing the manual flattening i mentionned.