Can I have 2 versions of Blender installed?

I would like to try and play with the 2.8 version. Will it overwrite 2.79 if I install it?


Wrong category but anyways…
Just Download the .zip file. Unpack and put a folder called config INSIDE of the version folder. It’s the same story over and over again. Just DON’T INSTALL Blender. Use the portables.

What category should I have posted to? Sorry about that. Didn’t mean to upset. And I have never used the portables so I am going to have to look that up.

But I do thank you for taking the time to reply to my question. I appreciate that.

I did do a search before I posted.

There is way to found out, first instaled the older version and then back it up somewhere, next re installed the new one, the new one will replaced the older, just make separated folder and paste the older there… the reason you should installed the older not as a bundle is a safety reason, just in case sometime your machine didnt recognize your program… as a proof you can open blender in double window

Oh, I have to apologize. Got distracted by the new forum software. You picked the right category. But yes, please have a look at the portables and feel welcome. :wink:

I usually just download the zips, unzip and run from there, but it has been a while. What’s the CONFIG folder for?

Yes what is the config folder for with the portable? I ran 2.8 and afterwards checked the config folder I created and it was empty…unlike the one in the regular 2.79 install in the appdata file path config folder with startup info there etc.

No need for the apology m_squareGFX. I am trying to get used to discord also.

All those pesky settings and add-ons get stored in the config folder, which normally goes into system user folders, but this way multiple versions run into conflict. So if you download the zip/non-installer package it has a config folder included for the specific version/in-package. This way it sees a higher priority config and doesn’t try to load the userspace wide config.

err I have 2.79b, no config folder, it was a zip… maybe it’s supposed to be self serve (roll your own) because of the various OS versions.

in /2.79b/
I have

Now I just discovered where win 10 hides appdata

type %appdata% in search, go there. sheesh.
there’s the config.

I should probably copy it and place it in /2.79/
that is if I want to much about with other versions, etc. I think it makes sense now.

Sorry my bad, just a new one…

Hihi… : smile:

AH, I see. It’s been a while since I downloaded the zipped blender. Perhaps I had to create the config folder after all. Point of the explanation was that if the config folder exists where blender executable is located it will see it and consider it higher priority. Hope that explanation makes sense.

Yes it does, thanks.

I’ve got like 5 flavors of blender on this machine, seriously if you have an exporter for doing game mods that works just right, try and move all of the plugins for it over to the plugins folder in the blender directory and back that badboy up to your dropbox and thumbdrive.

No, Not where the executable is. That would just be path-to/blender/config. Instead it hast to be path-to/blender/2.8/config everything else is correct.

btw. This will be empty until you actually save preferences or a Startup file.

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Right, that’s what it was. Point still remained the same though. :wink:

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Well in recent history ~appdata … config/
on windows 10 there are separate folders for 2.79 and 2.8 thus there should be no conflict with configs with one of each numbered version, without the user having to do anything.

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this is something i really think blender does wrong: managing profiles using windows users instead of presets or import/export options for the settings (then all could be in the same installation folder and installed/portable versions would be more interchangeable).

Just like it allows multiple window presets, it should allow multiple settings presets

… and if someone suddenly doesn’t use windows?
Blender is fine, it’s unaware MSW user having issues. Simply, learn to use the tool or don’t use it.

Well, Blender was never supposed to be installed in the first place. I remember that we had only the local config option and the current system was actually implemented after a long long list of requests. People thought it makes things easier to port preferences between versions. I can’t imagine what’s easier than copying one folder to another place so I never liked it. I solely use the .zips and local config. Also this is very handy when it comes to incompatible addons.