Wow, this script is really cool, especially for installing multiple libraries!
But a quick reminder that you can also install any API from the command line of your terminal app.
Start with the path to the python folder in your Blender app bundle, then -m
(which stands for module-name), and then the install command.
For example, anytime I download a new version of Blender, I open Terminal (I’m on a Mac) and run:
/Applications/ -m pip install --upgrade pip
/Applications/ -m pip install --upgrade Pillow
Caveat for Mac users – before you make any changes to a fresh install of Blender, make sure to launch it once so your Mac recognizes it as safe software. I’ve found if I modify anything in the app bundle before I run it, my Mac considers it as malware and won’t run it at all.
So anyway, installing Pandas and Matplotlib from the Terminal would be:
/Applications/ -m pip install pandas
/Applications/ -m pip install matplotlib
Run them separately, of course.
Forgive me for re-stating what is obvious to power users, but since this is in the Python Support channel, I’m throwing this out for our comrades who are still new to the basics (like me!) and come across threads like this at the start of their journey.