What do you expect us to answer to this? All information you gave was “it doesn’t work” you didn’t attach a blendfile, no screenshots, anything. If you want people to help you, make it a bit easier for them.
Some guessing: In general, the materials should just work with Eevee but Meshlights (emission shaders) won’t. You’ll have to use real light objects for that. Also look into the Render settings and activate the effects you want. If you want reflections, add Light Probes at the reflecting objects position and / or enable Screen Space Reflections.
Note that Eevee is not a Raytracer and cannot simulate light nearly as accurate as Cycles. All Shadows, Reflections etc. are just approximations.
You can, but you’ll need to tweak things to make them look right (light intensity, etc.). Also not all Cycles nodes/features are available in Eevee.
Note that you can add a second Output node to your materials and have one set to Eevee and one set to Cycles and that way you can have your material adapt to whichever Renderer is currently selected by including extra nodes, etc.