Can I save viewport overlays and shading as presets for new windows?

When I open a project, most times I open a new window to preview the render in real time, or well, close to it.

But the new window (meaning going to the menu, clicking on Window, then choosing New Window) opens with the area in texture editing mode. So I have to change that to 3D viewport, and then I want to see only one thing in that window, the full render as I’m working on the scene, except for the text overlay that shows me the samples as it progresses.

So I have to set the shading to render, then click the arrow down to show the overlays settings and deselect a lot of that stuff. Easy but time consuming when you have to do it over and over.

Is there a way to open a new window with just the layout I want?

Open your default file. To the right of the list of Workspaces is a + sign. Click it to make your own custom Workspace. General > Layout is as good as any. Set up everything as you prefer it but not Render Preview. For safety reasons (large files crashing if started in render preview) blender will not start up in Render Preview.
Save the Default file (File Menu > Default > Save Startup File). I assume it will still remember to put the preview window in your other monitor if that is what you want. Do not have an extra monitor ATM…
You dont have to click the render mode icon. In the preview window hold down Z and move the mouse to activate the Viewport Shading Pie Menu…

It only takes a moment once you get used to it - go fast enough and you do not need to click. Which is what I made a poor example of above - going from slow and click, up to fast flick of the mouse in the relevant direction…

There are also Templates now - which I have never used. Look into them. May be useful for setting up the different layouts you need.

I followed your steps a couple of times, but it still doesn’t work. Any new window opens with the usual stuff. In fact, even though I created a workspace, it doesn’t seem to stay, even after saving to the default file.

Odd. I double checked it before making my comment, and it worked fine. Opening a new window, it was already in the 3D window, and turning off all the overlays worked - and appeared the same after a restart.
I have two custom workspaces - which (obviously) work fine for me.
I am using Linux, which may make a difference.
It may help to open preferences and do a save in there (bottom left), as workspaces may be considered interface.