Can I see multiple Scenes?

I would very much like to view my video from the VSE in anamorphic widescreen (ie. same resolution as Standard Def but stretched). But there is no aspect correction in the image viewer.
So I made another scene with a larger pixel count across and stretche the VSE content out, just to view it in correct shape.
I would only render the 1st Scene however for output.

Unfortunately I have to switch between Scenes all the time! Can I dedicate a Viewer to a scene? While working on the other one.

The Aspect Correction is in the Format Panel of the Scene Buttons (F10).
Whatever resolution and aspectratio for nonsquare pixels you setup here, will be shown in the SeqEditor.
This way you can view the scene stretched without changing the x resolution.

Not sure, if this is what you’re looking for?


Oh really? i thought that just changed the shape of the pixel in the un-corrected view port. So that it looks tall and skinny but still in a 4:3 aspect.

Anyway I will try it.

How about viewing multiple scenes, so that I can load multiple clips, to NODE color Correct. That way I could have different corrections available for each clip in the VSE timeline.

You can have two blender sessions open against the same file. Refresh the 2nd by doing a quick file->open recent.

Thanks PapaSmurf, it’s awkward but I guess it works. To bad if I have a dozen or more shots to reference, Thats a lot of application instances! In another thread here I notice that the pixel Aspect corection in the Image viewer doesn’t work on the render result… oh well. Hope it gets fixed in 2.5.