Can i undo join the areas? (How to undo join area)

I may accidentally join a workspace by mistake,
is there a way to undo this = make it back to the previous workspace?

joined area

undo this to


You mean you want two windows open on the 3D viewer?

Go to either the very top-right corner or the very bottom-left corner of the current 3D viewer window with your mouse cursor until it turns into a little plus sign, then hold down the left mouse button and slide the window either left or right, depending on which corner you use.

It’s different. I want to Undo the wrong window joined by mistake.

Then just do the opposite. Put the cursor on the top-right corner of the left window and when it turns into a plus sign, left-click and drag it over the other window. The other window should gray out slightly when you do this, at which point you can release the mouse button and it will go away.

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Another way is to place the cursor on the center of the divided viewport until the cursor changes to a cursor with 2 arrows (left and right) and right click. In the Area Options you can join them by ‘Join Areas’. Choose either left or right by left clicking the greyed out screen with a big arrow in it.

Would you mind to explain this in a video?
That may help me understand it better.

Someone already did.

Thank you for the video.
However, this video is not the answer I want.
I want to Undo the Join area that I did in this video.
I mean to make it a previous Split area.

You can’t undo (CTRL+Z) adjustments you made to the layout, but only actions.

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You just do what I said in my last post.