Can I use Blendshapes to Animate and Customize how the character looks at the same time?

So I’m deciding on possible routes to take for character customization in my project:
Route A:
Blendshapes: Facial Animation, Face Customization (Aesthetic/Look)
Bones: Body Customization, Body Animation

Route B:
Blendshapes: Facial Animation
Bones: Body Customization, Facial Customization, Body Animation

Route C:
Blendshapes: Facial Customization
Bones: Body Customization, Facial Animation, Body Animation

My Question is would Route A where I do Facial Customization and Facial Animation via Blendshapes be possible? Or will both of their Blendshapes cause conflicts/issues with each other since technically they are changing the same vertices, where one Blendshape is animating the Eye Lids, the other is Changing the Shape of the Eye lids. Same thing for the mouth.

If using Blendshapes for both Animation and Customization isn’t recommended, than am I correct to assume that I should use Blendshapes for animation and leave bones to do the customization for the face?

If I do it via Bones does it mean that for every bone I wish to use for adjustments, I should create a 2nd bone (Adjustment Bone)? Or is it possible to modify the bones directly? I’m also concerned that if for an example I scale the mouth bones, would that end up screwing up with animations IF i decide to use Bones for BOTH animations and customization? Out of my head I think using bones to do BOTH animations and customization will NOT be possible since it will screw up with animations.