I would like to use openfoam (http://www.opencfd.co.uk/openfoam/) but only if I can get blender modles in and liquid meshes out. My school’s IT clerk prity much gave me a few old computers so I would like it if someone would gide me through the proses of instaling linux, openFoam, geting it to use them all together(if it can pe done),instaling blender and any other apps I nead for useing openFoam.
ps. I have never done any networking/distriuted computing before and i’m dot a real coputer wizerd (yet)
I couldn’t get all the dependencies to compile + install, sorry. I haven’t tried much though, and I don’t know what format the meshes are in. Have you searched about it? What have you found?
VTK is The Visualization Toolkit which is meant to be used to see OpenFoam meshes. (www.vtk.org)
Secondly, There is an OpenFoam Workshop in July, 2008 at which a paper entitled Combined use of Blender and OpenFOAM by D. Baldwin will be presented. So that could be illustrative.