Can I watch a Maya tutorial and follow in Blender if I know the identical variant?

Please forgive me if I posted this to the wrong forum as I am new here. My question is, can I watch a Maya tutorial and follow in Blender if I know the identical or corresponding variant in Blender? Like, is topology, loop cuts, etc. in Maya the same as any 3d program or are there major or minor differences where issues would arise?

Thanks everyone and happy to be here!

Yes and no. Topology is the same but you don’t learn effective workflows by following with a different tool.

You could watch a tutorial on how to eat soup with a spoon but you can’t follow with a fork. You would learn how to eat but your workflow would suck, literally.

And what tutorial would that be exactly? Care to share? I might know en equivalent one for blender, since I’ve watched a lot of tutorials for it.

Hey, the tutorial is here:

Hey Ja12, thanks for the reply. I believe a better analogy in this scenario would be say, using a salad fork vs a dinner fork. You can do the same with both forks, it’s just that one is more appropriate for a situation than the other. A workflow isn’t what I’m looking to learn from another tutorial, but specifically the topology and if it would translate in another software. For example if someone using Maya uses a loop cut, if it would have the exact same affect in Blender if it was done in the exact same spot.

Hope this is more clear.

Cshropshire, I didn’t see the whole tutorial but It looks too me as the author/modeler of the video is using mostly the basic commands that you could find in Blender. For instance, “E” for extruding, “X” for deleting desired elements of the mesh, “Tab” for switching back and fort from object to edit mode, “Ctrl+Tab” choosing edges, faces and vertices, going into sculpt mode for refining mesh. You’ll also have to add a SubDivision Surface modifier and have it’s cage adjusted to it’s modifier result.

I’m not sure but I think that this Blender tutorial would be most similar to Maya’s:

I do have to say that for the few seconds of the Maya video that I’ve seen I did not see anything that couldn’t be done in blender. You just have to know the corresponding commands. Hell I think Blender even has Maya command presets that you could turn on by pressing "Ctrl + Alt + U " —> “Input tab” ----> “Presets” that is if you’re familiar more with Maya than Blender.

MediumSolid ,Thank you for the thorough response, as well as posting Darrin Lile’s vid. I’ve watched his course and love his videos. I appreciate it!