I dont know if i can explain myself the correct way. I would like to do physics like in maya. Not with animations, not using the game engine and then record physics because then i cannot make them interact with other objects or fluids or particles. For example, you can make cloth physics like fallin down with gravity and then clollide with an object. But can i do that with solid objects falling down with gravity and then collide with… i dont know… something else like particles??? If i can, can someone tell me how???
You can try making some object a softbody with parameters set like a solid object, i.e. edge stiffness and <insert here smth>
Then just bake it!
While you gaming, record IPO of the object in question. After that in Animation append that Object from that game blend. It already has the IPO of the game. In animtion use this IPO.
If models are too complex simulation time may be too long. Try parenting object to simplified model, then making it softbody. I didn’t try this, but it seems to work.