Can python script draw something like OOPS window? That is movable shapes linked by lines, not the shapes drawn by Blender.BGL.
When I did the character animation tut by otothecleaner, I found it is tedious and in low efficiency during checking vertex groups. So I need a script, which can draw a diagram of the 3D-vertex group by rendering floods of vertices as a circle, a rectangle, etc shape in 2D dimension. says the concept: all the shapes are created automatically, for example, the center of rectangle is the center of vertices of Arm.L, and its width and height cover all the vertices. The rectangle can be resized, rotated and moved either by HOTKEY or pop-up menu. The name (“Arm.L”) is extracted from this vertex group.
There is no double that it is easy to select vertex group from the diagram other than from the faint text items in EDIT window: you can select by click the big and consise rectangle or by “Re selecttion”. When the Arm.L group is selected in the EDIT window, the Arm.L rectangle in diagram is selected too and vice versa (well it depends on “Selection” and “Select at” buttons). At least, the diagram saves half of mouse clicks — 50 times in my project minimally.
Further more, this kind of OOPS-window-like gizmo is also needed by , the new mat system described by Monkeyboi.
Well, perhaps this is just a feature request currently
p.s. the words on pic is “difficult to locate and select in that many items”