Wel… i tried, tried and tried a little more and just couldn’t get a render from MakeHair…
- Installed Aqsis 1.2.0;
- Unpacked MakeHair alpha 002;
- Moved the “hair.slx” shader to “Aqsis/shaders” folder;
- Just exported the default makehair scene to: “C:\hair001.rib”;
- The code i got was:
Option "statistics" "endofframe" [1]
Projection "perspective" "fov" [37.8492888321]
Format 640 480 1
Clipping 0.10000000149 100.0
PixelSamples 2 2
Sides 2
Display "00001.tif" "framebuffer" "rgb"
Display "+C:\makehair\hair001.tif" "file" "rgba"
Rotate 72.2333917772 1 0 0
Rotate -0.153701788087 0 1 0
Rotate 1.02539588062 0 0 1
Translate 0.120466470718 6.26960372925 8.46742343903
LightSource "ambientlight" 998 "intensity" [1] "color lightcolor" [0.0 0.0 0.0]
LightSource "pointlight" 1 "from" [-2.55456066132 -9.86636352539 -5.3357257843] "intensity" 1.20000004768 "lightcolor" [0.413196504116 0.495137482882 0.516700923443]
LightSource "pointlight" 2 "from" [7.78205299377 -3.16631865501 -16.620300293] "intensity" 1.0 "lightcolor" [0.879999995232 0.889999985695 0.730000019073]
LightSource "pointlight" 3 "from" [-6.42767238617 3.56042480469 -8.0469045639] "intensity" 1.0 "lightcolor" [0.413196504116 0.495137482882 0.516700923443]
LightSource "pointlight" 4 "from" [1.50909030437 -0.921810567379 -9.22693920135] "intensity" 1.55415713787 "lightcolor" [1.0 1.0 1.0]
LightSource "pointlight" 5 "from" [-0.397508382797 -0.953941822052 -7.52121162415] "intensity" 1.55415713787 "lightcolor" [1.0 1.0 1.0]
- Then Aqsis start renrering and all I got is a black image.