Can someone help me place this at the right hight

Here is a link to my blend file.

I know it sounds wierd but I want this object to be 1000 feet high. The hollow sections of the wall are 78" tall (I’m fairly sure I have them at that height), and I need them to be proportionately 1000 feet up in the air.

So why don’t I just do it? Well, when I try the object doesn’t look anywhere near 1000 feet high. Can someone confirm if I’m doing this right? I select the object, then enter 1000 (after changing the units to feet) in the Z location transform. The object only moves up about 50% of it’s height.

I must be doing something wrong.

The dimensions panel says the object is 1984’ tall, and when you set it to 1000’ high, it moves up about half of it’s height. That seems pretty straight forward. I don’t see what the issue is.

So the object is bigger then I thought I made it, way bigger.

OK looking at it again I’ve just realized what I was doing wrong, I was looking at scale and thinking that was telling me the height in feet, when I should be looking at dimension facepalm