Hello so i have this texture:
And i am Trying to make a Nice glossy Photoelectric floor. But i just cannot figure out how to do it. I use CrazyBump to create all the other textures like the Normal Map.
Can some help me out pls ?
Hello so i have this texture:
And i am Trying to make a Nice glossy Photoelectric floor. But i just cannot figure out how to do it. I use CrazyBump to create all the other textures like the Normal Map.
Can some help me out pls ?
did you generated all the other maps,?
generaly youl only need 3 typs of maps or so
1-the color map which is this one
2-the normalmap or bump map to creat the illusion of realistic outstanding
3-the roughness map,
if your using the 2.79 with the principled shader ?
thin just plug the the color map to the color plug
the nromal map / bump map to the normal shader thin to the normal plug of the principled shader
lastly the roughness map to the rounghness plug
, you might want to conceder using some improfections as footprint or scratchs, or dirts which thy are just a black and white imgs
i would uploaded an a screenshot but my pc is a bit old ,and cant run 2.79 anymore
hope this helps
Wow. I never used the Principled Shader for that. But it looks way better.
Thanks !
Your biggest issue will probably be the normalmap, since Crazybump will produce one based off the colors of the image, giving you a texture that won’t at all look like a marble floor.
The best thing to do will be to make the normalmap subtle and fairly uniform, only showing the slightest of surface irregularities. Most of your detail will actually be driven by your roughness map, specifically along the trim marking the edges of the tiles.
yeah this is going to be an issue , and for this case,s i tend to creat my own normal maps by krita
What the heck is a photoelectric floor?
I’m away from my main computer, but I would make sure it doesn’t suffer from visible tiling repetitions. I’d probably create a mask based on the two types of marble, and another mask based on the grout. Then I’d create a regular checkered tiled floor (using bricks texture), piped into a noise generator for random color per tile, and add/other stuff to the texture coordinates to vary where two different marble textures are looked up from (see some of my other posts).
The upside is that this would be relatively simple to setup. The downside is that a fully procedural generated pattern and mask would allow varied noise in the masks as well, but it would be complex to figure out and setup (but possible).
The random color output mentioned above could also be used to drive normals directly; if used just slightly the tiles wouldn’t appear perfectly flat (lay error).
As for the main marble parts:
For roughness I’d probably use something based on wear and tear, possibly localized to were wear and tear would appear (near entryways, walkways etc).
For bump/normal I’d probably use some very low frequency noise/voronoi; possibly ignoring any color derived bump/normal maps completely.