I want to render an image with a transparent background. Setting up premul and RGBA in the settings as normal doesn’t work. Is there a way, or is yafray incapable of doing this? I might just have to use the GIMP’s ‘colour to alpha’ feature otherwise, but results can get a bit messy with that sometimes.
YAFray is capable of doing this. When I used YableX exporter, there was an option for Alpha in the GUI. Not sure how to code it manually though.
I could take a look at some of my old xml files and see if I can see the code.
Found the code. It’s in the final line of the xml file:
<render camera_name = "Camera" AA_passes = "4" AA_minsamples = "4" AA_pixelwidth = "1.500000" AA_threshold = "0.040000"
raydepth = "5" bias = "0.300000" gamma = "1.000000" exposure = "0.000000" background_name="envhdri" >
<outfile value="orc_head.tga"/>
<save_alpha value="on"/>
Hope that helps.
Thanks for that. I’ve never used yafray without the built in exporter before though, I’ll have to look into that. It’d be good to set up HDRI too, I’m sure it can’t be too hard. What do you export from blender as to import into yafray, or do you manually use the yable script to export xml, then edit that?
For HDRI lighting, you currently need top edit the XML file as well. YOu can find out all that infor here, thanks to block01cube:
The next release of blender, from what I have been told, will be able to add the HDRI file into the World texture and then export.
Thanks a lot for that! You should see some realistic reflections coming this way in a week or two.