Is there anyway i can animate this so that the shapes go up and down (just a height difference). I want to loop it and create some wacky moving background
If not… how would I create this effect manually without the addon?
You can use a shape key with vertex scale Z = 0 and animate the value.
Or you can bake a displacement map and animate the displace modifier’s strenght.
These are the first things that came to my mind.
Wouldnt this just effect the global height? I really meant that the individual peaks, would grow/shrink independently… not as a whole at the same time…
I think that @greenorangejuice has the best solution for this, however you will not be able to use ANT at all with modifiers (as far as i’m aware), so it would mean making your own terrain from scratch.
You would want to subdivide the plane like the ANT landscape, then put modifers like displace and input some kind of noise texture.
Ok thanks! So ill just have to recreate this effect with a plane and modifiers…
the ANT addon kinda shows me what settings they used…so i should be able to get it to work with as a guidance… thanks!
Ok I managed to recreate the landscape with a plane and modifiers… I can animate the height of the effect by manipulating the height of the the texture…
But this applies to the entire plane…
If I want to randomize this height effect on the different spikes… what would be my best method?
create different vertex groups on the plane and animate them seperately?