Can you copy UVmaps?

Hi everyone

I wanted to know if it’s possible to copy UVmaps?

I’ve just unwrapped an object using smart projections and edited it’s UVmap so the seams match up. Is it possible to copy this and use it as the basis for another UVmap for the same object to help get rid of seams after a render bake? It would save alot of hard work as unwrapping the object again means having to re-stitch everything again which is a pain.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Just do your unwrap (which you’ve already done), then click the “New” UV Texture button on the mesh panel of the Edit Buttons to create a new set of UV coords. This new one will start out as a copy of the currently active UV coord set. You can work from there.

hmmm… clicking the new ‘UV texture’ button in the mesh panel creates a new UV map but with all the faces reset on top of each other, not as a copy of the previously selected UVmap. Is there a setting I am missing out on?

Go to Object mode and have object selected before clicking the New button. Then will copy the active UV map to the new texture.

CD38’s right. I missed giving you that step. Sorry.

Thanks Harkyman and CD38. Problem solved. Much appreciated.

One more cheeky question. It’s kind of related…

How do you scale UVmaps in relation to each other without joining the objects they belong to into one mesh?

I posted the same question before but got no reply so I’m guessing there’s no easy way to do it.