Can you make this illusion in blender?

can you elaborate !

you want to use some mirror to do that ?

a real model can be done without mirror !

happy bl

I think you can recreate that physically , it may take some time to compute due to many reflective bounce it has to make.
Another way is to fake it by just rendering the background separately, putting a tunnel and hide the borders with some holdout material. Then composite the door and the background.

The effect of an infinite corridor while still having a small size like this

i would like to do it without composite. do you have an idea how i can make it physically?


Can you share the blend file? I can’t warp my head around how the geometry is setup

nvm i figured it out from the photo. thank you!

Sure, here it is:
quit.blend (192.5 KB)
Don’t forget to set a high amount of light bounces in rendering settings.

it seems like this method is kind limiting. there’s a point where the spheres stop being reflected even with high light bounces

probably because the transparency is necessarily limited.

Thanks for sharing the technique.

Affect is pretty cool. I had completely forgotten about backfacing.

I used two planes. Back plane with gloss material and zero roughness. Your node setup on the front plane though I did connect the transparency node to the second mix node for a little bit additional light pass through.

512 bounces vs 1024 bounces was no difference so I see the limitation but for a quick effect not an issue. Close enough for hand grenades. :slight_smile:

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Nice, though there are some additional reflections, maybe on the side wall, I don’t know.

I didn’t tried that, but you could try and set the lights to a linear decay with a Light Falloff node, the effect could come out more natural.

Actually, reducing the Fac value of the second mix node gives a much better result, though disabling it totally doesn’t allow a smooth fading out.

Anyway, here’s a little edited version of the previous scene, that was just a quick first approach: [infinite_reflections.blend|attachment]infinite_reflections.blend (214.7 KB)


I made a infinite rhombic dedocahedron one based on this video by Adam Savage and Matt Parker.

The setup:

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