Can you sell blender games???

I was wondering if i have blender puplisher and i make a game can I sell it??? :o

Yes, you can. I can’t find Ton’s original posting on this topic right now, but if you’re selling more than 1000 copies of a game then you should contact him. He said something about a ‘donation’ or something.

Yep, he said, if you sell more then … games, you have to donate something to the Blender Foundation. I think that topic was on I can’t fin it anymore, but it must be still there. :stuck_out_tongue:

I found it.

I’m planning to try when Mar 'Uta: The Unexplored Realms is finished.

Alright thanks everyone

That’s definatly a fair deal if I ever seen one, Ton rocks!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!