guess what this is
jeans. is this a trick question?
no not trick question just got soo bored decided to take a pic of groin and post it here (cs is broke)
yup its your pe*** behind jeans…
At least you kept the jeans on…
what has happened to this once great forum? (okay, off topic was never great)
I see a LOT of crap like this thread in off-topic. Off topic is NOT called “spam stuff” or “useless crap”. When you are boerd and have nothing to, you can just yake a nap (yawn… I’m boerd. good night. ZZZZZZ…), you DON’T post junk like this. It just makes me boerd (my head falls on the keyboard, and I doze off).
I don’t know how you could possibly think it would be hard to “guess” what that is anyway, like it actually took thinking to figure out.
^ Hypocrite ^
and theeth is off doing math in the other thread when we need him here.
What’s the point of posting stuff like this?
Some people just don’t have a life.