
i was bored so i decided to try some non-organic modelling for a change, heres what i came up with.


Looks ok, needs some decent texturing and it would be pretty cool. Try

thanks, nitronic.
yeh the texturing will be my main focus. thanks for the link
ive done a bit more modelling and done a quick texture test. i used a photo for the texture, but i think i will try creating my own.


it looks like a can with a stiff. You should add some puddles of water next to it. I like the texture, but it’s a little to specular. The handles look good though, most watering can’s don’t have a lid…


thanks, rozzy. i removed the lid
so ive got the txtures down but with a lot of tweaking to go.


Nice looking textures, are they procedural?

I second that question. I’d love to be able to achieve an effect like that for my steam mecha. :slight_smile:

no sorry they are not procedural