Cancel/Control the Shadow of Glass Material

It is possible to control the opacity/lightness of that cube light scatter? (just found out it’s diffuse in render visibility)

Hey, @JohnGrafe. I guess I’m not exactly sure what you ultimately want to do - the answer to your question is basically, yes - you can control almost anything in CG, but what are you trying to do? Are you trying to darken the caustics refracting through the cube? For what reason? You can turn caustics off completely in the render settings - is that what you want?

Can you give us a little more context to what you are trying to do? What you have done by removing shadows is made your render less photorealistic. By darkening the caustics, you go even further from photorealism. If we know what your end state is, we can hopefully lead you there in the most expedient manner. Thanks!

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I mean off the shadow(already) and then block the light transmission in glass material but idk how to block it

So, it sounds like you want a glass-like material that doesn’t transmit caustics like glass. You neither want shadows nor caustics, but you want refraction. Is that right?

Does this do what you want? (before/after)

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For example, using the nodal tree proposed in the manual: Glass & transp_shadows

@Hunkadoodle, no caustics in this configuration !

:blue_heart: :blender_logo_64_png:

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Yeah…I’m trying to tease out what exact look we are trying to achieve. I imagine it may be trivial to remove the shadows frow your example shader tree. Just hope @JohnGrafe can clarify his ultimate goal.

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Of course, the “Transparent BSDF” shader, used with pure white, is “invisible” and if we go down to gray, the shadow darkens.
But be careful, this also influences the glass!
Besides, moony’s solution is also a very good alternative.

Hopefully to put a final nail in this coffin, and with a huge thanks to @JaAlVir657 for pulling the reference from the manual, I think the best way to achieve what @JohnGrafe wants is to affect the ray visibility on a per-object basis. I copied the shader from the manual, and I turned off the shadow ray visibility for the cube. You still get refraction, you eliminate caustics, you don’t cast shadows, and you can control the color/darkness of the glass. See how I did it in this video:

I’ve also attached the .blend for your reference if you need it:
Glass with refr, no caustics, no shadow.blend (896.6 KB)

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In addition @Hunkadoodle demo.
One last clarification, the exact node setup in the manual is as follows :

And I can only recommend that you read the paragraph for the conditions of use.

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