Cancel rendering and skipping denoising

When I cancel a rendering (by hitting ESC) it always denoises the rendering which takes quite some time when the image is very high resolution. Is there a way to prevent Blender from denoising the image when I cancel the rendering? I don’t need a canceled rendering to be denoised.


? For me (in cycles) the denoising takes place after the surrounding tiles are rendered… and stops directly after stopping/aborting the rendering…

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For me, when I cancel a rendering, it always goes through denoising which I don’t want and need. And when I cancel a rendering that is very big, this always takes a long time.

I just found out: if you use Render Properties → Performance → Progressive Refine (which is nice to watch but slaows don the computation) then the denoising don’t stop after aborting the render but denoises everything… (at least with NLM denoiser)…

There’s no NLM denoiser in 3.1 any more, right?

Oh yes… just had a 2.9… open… the different sample setting in 3.1… but then again… it just stops after a abort… (for me) !? :crazy_face:

I think it may help to say what version you are using.

Currently, I think the only way to address your issue is to turn off denoising and denoise the images afterwards with the compositor if needed. However, you should then use a format that can store the required render passes, like OpenEXR.

By the way, there is a feature request on this topic on Right-Click Select, let’s upvote it!

Isn’t this request the other way?? Continue to denoise if rendereing ist stopped… but OP wants to stop it also…? (i’m still wondering…:thinking: for me it does :person_shrugging: )

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You’re right about both!

I’m confused… :flushed:

Me too, so sorry for the mistake.

Could try hitting esc multiple times, that might cancel the denoising.

Sorry. I’m talking about the latest versions. So 3.1 or 3.2. But this issue has been in Blender for a long time. At least since OIDN was introduced.

I got 3.1.2 here on linux, not installed just running from the uncompressed folder… Does not happen for me. As far as I can tell everything stops when I press escape. Maybe I’m misunderstanding or maybe I am not seeing something.

Are you using OIDN? I also tried pressing ESC several time while the denoising is going on - doesn’t work.

Yeah, I don’t know what I’m missing. This right?

Okay tried 3.2 (on linux after 2.9 3.0 3.1) also added suzane subd mod denoise is enabled F12… ESC… everything stopped… sorry :person_shrugging:
Maybe you can post a simple blend file so someone can find any unusual settings ?? Or just say which OS which graphics card/driver version ??? (Wasn’t ther some quirks using optix and some… some… i don’t remenber… just something…)

You have to use a rather big image - like 7000x5000px. Let it start to render and then cancel via hitting ESC. With smaller files that might not be noticable.

With an image that size I do get that. You know you can denoise in the compositor?