Cancel rendering and skipping denoising

Oh wait i think i got it: 2.93 uses under Performance → Tiles → 32px / Hilbert Spiral (for me and stops instantly ) and 3.0 Performance → Memory → Use Tiling/ Tile Size 2048 and this…

NO :exclamation:
… with this big image size my computer (8GB) just tries to do something after i aborted rendereng… for… several… minutes… and… i… tried… sometimes…

no no no WAIT the last test aborted (but took some time because of the big image/RAM usage)!
I i disable :

Use Tiling
Render high resolution images in tiles to reduce memory usage. Tiles are cached to disk while rendering to save memory.

it doesnt work for several minutes but stops… maybe this is it ??

A bug in the usage/management of the to disk saved image tiles… th question is is it bblender or the open image denoiser architecture??

[This post was edited and re-edited while testing over an hour and i will not re-read it before posting :crazy_face: ]

I know this issue. Even when rendering tiles not the whole scene Blender (ver. 3.0) seems to denoise whole image (optix accelerated denoiser in my case) after cancel. I just disable denoiser until final render.

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Just came to notify here, that this still is a problem in modern Blender versions after all of these years and after googling, this was only place I found where anyone was talking about this issue.

So, if you render a scene and press esc, the rendering will stop, but open image denoiser cannot be stopped. Idk what is causing it and I used to think that this is a feature in Blender. Then I learned that not everyone has this problem.

Not in the versions I have 4.2 and 3.6 - linux
Cancel render - denoise does not even start.

I guess it’s not an issue in Linux then maybe. In Windows version it’s been a thing this whole time for me as far I remember using the denoiser.


Could be maybe other windows users can confirm, in theory denoise happens after render finishes.

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Yeah. In 4.1 this still is s big problem. After canceling, the buffer is being read and denoising is applied. Very annoying and a huge waste of time when you work with large renderings. I’ve talked about this several times over the last few years, but the devs don’t seem to care. When I filed it as a bug it was closed with the comment that this is the way it’s supposed to work.


I should have kept quite, they might want to do it in Linux too. :worried:

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Do you have a link to the bug report? I would like to see it too. Also its very interesting why it’s only windows related issue.