candle flame from Blender nation tut problems?

did anybody was able to make this tut works
cause i cannot reproduce the flame shape color and get a nice render like shown in tut video

my flame is very low so not high enough and cannot get a proper ramp setu up
cause there aer so many variation in video it’s difficult to get the right one!

any help appreciated ?

happy 2.5

Hmm, it wasn’t the idea to give “the right setting” but show how you can achieve your personal best setting through various approaches. If your flame is not high enough for example you can play with the heat settings etc until you can cram your color-ramp into it :slight_smile:

The ramp is difficult to set up because such a small flame is a very extreme example of Smoke-Sim-usage…

[ATTACH=CONFIG]124440[/ATTACH]ok will test some of the effect like heat

in which panel do you change this heat value?

but find it a long video to give only a small flame model !
would have been easier i think of doing s PDF file instead

right now i have another problem with particules system
it is like frozen like buttons are whitish

how can i get it back so i can change values there?

also for the ramp for Flame texture
i cannot get the rounded circle in the preview like shown on video
how can i get that ?

see pic it is very bad ! LOL

another problem i just saw
is when i rotate the candle in viewport i can see more or less the smoke
like from almost nothing to full height of the smoke
is this normal ?


[ATTACH=CONFIG]124442[/ATTACH]did another one which is beginning to look better but far from the video nice little candle flame !

Thanks for any help here

Sorry, meant “Temperature Difference” which can be changed in the flow settings of the emitter.

“Frozen” particle panel usually means that you need to free the bake.

You need to find the right settings for the ramp for yourself (like I did in the video). I started with a simple 2-color ramp if I recall correctly (has been a while since I recorded that) and started working from there.

Did you set the vorticity for the domain to a very low value?

Your example also looks a bit grainy, maybe lower the step size (in the volume material settings)?

I also thought about a written version, but what should I note there? I could have given the exact settings, but what about getting there?

[ATTACH=CONFIG]124454[/ATTACH]well i’m writting a PDf file based on this tut i can sent you a copy
but only when i succeed to do a nice model for the flame

can you give me the setting for the Ramp like this here

Color Ramp

=========–R G B Alpha Brightness Position

Ramp 1 Black --0.5 0,0,0 1.0 0.498
Ramp 2 Red 0.8 0,0,0 1.0 0.501
Ramp 3 Beige 1.0 0,0,0 1.0 0.505
Ramp 4

at least i may get something that looks like the video ! LOL


You got PM :slight_smile:

nice render from it

now need to complete my PDF on this sent you copy tomorrow!

Thanks man

[ATTACH=CONFIG]127703[/ATTACH]here is an image with a frame around but not very nice !

i’ll check if there is anything like this in Gimp may be!

happy 2.5

[ATTACH=CONFIG]128065[/ATTACH]do you remember how the white halo at flame’s base is done
and if there is way to remove it?

also the top of flame is a bit flat any parameters you can think to change this shape to be more rounded may be!

the look is defitively something strange and interesting
if you ask someone to make it it would be very difficult to do i think
so it is still a good model example!

i’ll try to play more and see what other model i can get for fun
but is there a way to see it dynamically wihtout having to re bake each time ?

see pic
