I apologize if this has been solved somewhere. I have spent the past two nights trying to render smoke in Blender 2.71, not in cycles.
Last night I was following Andrew Price’s tutorial, but my smoke will not render. I do not believe I messed up, I checked the flow and domain objects, I checked the materials and textures, but all I can get is the simulation to work in the 3D view port but not in a final render.
Tonight, I decided to do a simple scene to double check that I had done everything right. I must have messed up again because it still will not show up in my final render. I have Googled and looked at similar threads on other sites but the issue still persists.
Here is the link to the blend file I was doing the Flame Thrower tutorial in:
3D View Port
My Render Attempt
And here is my personal blend file:
3D View Port
Render Attempt
I have messed around a bit to try and figure it out, so something might not be correct. I would really appreciate if anyone could look at both of these and help me determine why I can’t render them (it’s probably some simple mistake that’ll make me facepalm when I find out ).
EDIT: I tried a new file with just the domain and flow object and I was able to render the smoke. I must have must up somewhere, so I apologize for taking up forum space. I’ll go through the two files above and try again.