Cannot see the skydome in GE only gray


So thats pretty much it. If I look up I can see it, but not on the horizon. The blend ishere.

Thanks you very much…

try increasing the far end where camera starts clipping… select the camera, and go to the editing panel (F9), there are a few parameters you can tweak there…

did you try increasing the clipping length of the camera?

Make sure that the camera’s view is a big enough number to see the sky.
Or maby you have the sky set to invisible when starts ?
If not the 2 reasons above maby scaling the sky or somthing ?

If I dont make sence on the last reason it’s because I have a major headache Lol

OK, I thought I had checked clipping but will do again… sky is visible, can see when not in camera view. LOL.

Death: I have a headache too, but it is only at one temple. Clenching teeth I think.

Thanks for the fast reply.

On the subject of skydomes. How do you decide how big they should be? Or how close to the other objects does it need to be?

I notice with this one, that if I dont tilt the scene just a hair, I can see a gray line around the ground.

I really have no clue about how to use the skydome, if you follow me.

Thanks again. Oh I changed the clipping and crashed blender, lol.

Okay, first off, your scene is WAY too big. Everything should be scaled down considerably!!

Secondly, yes. Your camera clipping needs to be extended. If you scale everything down, you won’t need to set the clipping too far.


Skydome/skybox (=skymesh) rules:
The sky should by visible behind everything else. So place it as far as you can. But it must be visible at all. Place it before the clipping end.

For blender this is the clipping limit of the camera (Clipping End). Default is 100 units. Have the farest distance of your skymesh less than 100 (e.g. 99). The best is to parent the skymesh to the camera with vertex parent. The skymesh will move but not rotate with the camera. As it is inside the clipping area the skymesh is always visible.

Alternative you can place the sky into a background scene. But there might be some issues.

I hope this helps

LOL, oh thats so funny. I spent considerable time scaling the house to fit the scene I nabbed the dome from.

My little ground and house were like ants in it! Shoot…


Parent the sky to the camera, hmmm makes sense. But my sky is moving. Can it still move(very slowly) when it is parented to the camera?

Yeah, I would think so. Too new to know this stuff, sorry for asking complete idiot question… Hmmm BGE for the complete idiot. I like it!

the sky mesh is uv animated with a script.

Thank you very very much for helping.

My current project has a ‘starbox’ which moves along with the camera, but at a slower rate. Using python I use setPosition() on the starbox to .8 * the getPosition of the camera. This helps my tiny starbox seem much much bigger.

Thank you. I will have to work on it a bit, lol. After I shrink everything back down! ohhh, dreading that actually.