Cannot seem to move entire collection of objects without selecting every part of the hierarchy

I take it that collection is like grouping all your objects into a null, right? I assumed I could just hi-light the group and be able to move/scale the whole thing, but my axis seems to disappear when I try to select the group. Instead, I have to make sure to select every object within the group before I do anything. Is this the expected behavior, or is there an easier way?

Putting your objects into a collection is not the same as grouping or parenting them to a null object.

To select all objects in a collection, right-mouse click the collection in the outliner and choose “Select Objects”. Or Shift G in the viewport if you have an object selected inside your collection–> select objects.

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Yepp… (object) groups and collections are different things…

Objects can be in multiple collections… AFAIK that’s not possible with groups… in other apps groups can be modified, but not in blender.

You may parent to a specific empty to do so… or use any of the group addons made … for example:

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Thank you so much for explaining the differences! As you suggested, I’m using an empty to parent my objects, and it has the desired effect.

I think the Extra Objects addon adds this Parent To Empty command and then you can set the shortcut to Ctrl+G ( you have to unset the default command that was already using ctrl+g)

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Thanks for showing me “new” :wink: features of an addon i do know for a long time…