Someone can tell me why I can’t bevel the outer edge?
That’s are my transform:
You don’t appear to have selected it.
If you meant to make use of bevel weights, then you need to use Bevel Modifier instead.
I made a mistake It was supposed to be a sharpen edge. I’ve already tried to use bevel edge but it didn’t solve my problem.
When using bevel tool in Edit Mode, you need to select the edges you want to bevel (you have none selected according to your screenshots).
When using the modifier, mark edges with bevel weights and then in the modifier setting set Limit Method to “Weight”.
I’m not sure what’s happening in the first case. It’s like you’re loosing selection in the process? Can you share the file (with just that mesh in it)?
But I can say that in the second case, you forgot to set the Limit Method.
Ah most of the times this happens when you have a face on the other side of your mesh that is also connected to that ring of vertices. If you have an edge that could be beveled in three directions it just doesnt do it
Oh, users above are totally correct:
That won’t bevel.
Also, this is where you can find the Limit Method option (of course, it won’t help in this particular case)
how i can fix it?
Thanks y’all for the help : )