Ok guys, I’m entirely stuck here. It’s the second day and I really don’t know what I should try to achieve the simple task:
Move an object to a certain location.
Here’s the deal:
I’m working with a GeoJSON file, where I’ve got provided with x and y coordinates (which should represent the coordinates in the file).
I’m storing this data in a “points” list. Everything is fine.
Now for the tricky part:
I’m importing / appending a Tree from another blend file as a new Collection (“Tree”). Nothing special here.
I get the length of the list which represents the amount of trees and duplicate the tree. And I think this is where the trouble begins.
Duplicating the trees is not really the big issue. But I want to set the new copy to the desired position from the “points” List. And I’m totally not able to do this. I think it’s a kind of context issue.
I tried duplicate_move (which doesn’t work, because the values are adde)
I tried location[0] = points… (which doesn’t work because of NoneTypes.)
I’m frustrated, beause I don’t find anything. So this is basically my last approach here.
I added the entire script (to demonstrate my frustration and my failed attempts -.-)
I’m happy for any help.
import bpy
import os
import json
class my_vector3():
x = 0.0
y = 0.0
z = 0.0
class Utils():
#def __init__():
# self.points = []
points = []
# STEP 1 (Der Pfad ist bekannt)
def setup_environment():
global path # path to blend file directory
global asset_path # path to asset folder
path = bpy.path.abspath('//')
asset_path = path + "assets"
Utils.import_tree() # Wir erstellen einen Baum. Der wird einfach importiert.
return {'FINISHED'}
# STEP 2 (Wir haben einen Beispielbaum (mit eigener 0,0,0 Pos))
def import_tree():
print("Importing Tree from Blend file")
file_path = asset_path + "\Vegetation.blend"
inner_path = 'Collection'
object_name = 'Tree'
filepath=os.path.join(file_path, inner_path, object_name),
directory=os.path.join(file_path, inner_path),
return {'FINISHED'}
# STEP 3 Lese die JSON Um herauszufinden wie oft wir den Baum brauchen. Jetzt wäre es vielleicht gut den Baum zu kopieren
def open_json(dir, filename):
global v_file
global pointLength
with open(dir + "\\" + filename + ".geojson",'r') as f:
v_file = json.load(f)
l = len(v_file['features'])
print("Point Length: ",l)
pointLength = l
# ggf nicht der richtige Platz dafür
for i in range(l):
def copy_tree():
for obj in bpy.data.collections['Tree'].all_objects:
#bpy.context.scene.objects.active = obj
#obj = bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='SELECT')
for i in range(pointLength - 1):
obj = bpy.context.selected_objects
for o in bpy.context.selected_objects:
if o.type == 'MESH':
o.location.x = Utils.points[i].x
o.location.y = Utils.points[i].y
o.location.z = Utils.points[i].z
return {'FINISHED'}
#for i in range(pointLength -1):
#bpy.context.object.location[0] = Utils.points[i].x
#bpy.context.object.location[1] = Utils.points[i].y
#bpy.context.object.location[2] = Utils.points[i].z
#bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0, 0, 0), constraint_axis=(False, False, True))
# klappt nicht...
#bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True)
#if (i != 0):
# bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0,0,0))
# x = Utils.points[i].x - Utils.points[i].x #-1?
# y = Utils.points[i].y - Utils.points[i].y
# bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value":(x,y,0), "orient_matrix_type": 'LOCAL'})
def set_location(n):
bpy.context.active_object.location[0] = Utils.points[n].x
bpy.context.active_object.location[1] = Utils.points[n].y
bpy.context.active_object.location[2] = Utils.points[n].z
def add_zeroes_to_points(num):
temp =my_vector3()
temp.x = v_file['features'][num]['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
temp.y = v_file['features'][num]['geometry']['coordinates'][1]
temp.z = 0
return {'FINISHED'}