Can't download Blender 2.32

When I try to downoad 2.32, an error comes up saying that the file does not exist or could not be found. Does anyone know what the problem is or how to get around it?

btw, I’m using Windows 98 in Australia. :wink:

p.s. the other versions seem to work though…

I don’t know what can be the problem. If it still doesn’t work after some time, and you’ve got eMule or the like, you can download it with this link: ed2k://|file|blender-2.32-windows.exe|2793266|6C0C266F6BEDD180D4B0AF6EBD496DE3|/

That didn’t work, so…

Does anyone else know why I can’t download it? :frowning:

All three links there do not work?


Only the Australian version of 2.32 doesn’t work.

So then, would it make any difference to download from Europe or USA instead?

None whatsoever.


Sweet as. :smiley: