I’m doing a tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysB3FMZLjFI He explains how the eyelids won’t close like seen in edit mode when creating a shape key. I got decent results for the top lids. But the bottom lid (which is a duplicate of the top lid rotated 180 degrees) shows way too much eyeball when closing and opening. He enlarges the eyelid to compensate. I did a little of that (alt-s) for the top lid. But for the bottom lid, I have to make it so big it looks awful. Is there anyway to get the eyelid to open and close without intersecting the eyeball? I really don’t understand why the lids don’t open and close as shown in edit mode when using shape keys. I did another tutorial, and the eyelids did open and close perfectly using shape keys without any problems.
It’s not very usual for a bottom lid to close! Put your finger on your bottom lid and see if you can make it go up and down! Although certainly useful to know how if you are doing a lizard.
On a more serious note, I was able to get your lid to work perfectly, but not in the alignment you had it in… it needs to rotate around the center of the eyeball, and although the eyeball is a sphere, your lid has been distorted somehow into a an oblate half spheroid. The best advice is to delete the key, cursor to center of eyeball, edit tim mesh, add sphere and scale to just a tiny bit bigger than the eyeball, delete half, solidify just a bit, in object mode add key, make value 1.00, in edit mode rotate the half sphere using cursor as pivot point. Important! If you use median point as pivot you will end up in the same boat as you ar now, very likely!
Should work!
As I am a beginner, I may be missing something. After I make a new bottom left lid in edit mode as you describe above, and go into object mode, it disappears. Do you know what I am doing wrong?
I actually tested my bottom eyelid, and lo and behold…the last tutorial I did was making turtle, so the rotating bottom eyelids were more appropriate. (hey, I just added a smiley face!) Still, I want to get this right…