I can’t get head or grass script to run in 2.25. Was there is a change in the way python is interpreted in 2.25?
The api in 2.25 is not the same as the 2.23 api.
Personnaly, I only use 2.25 when I need one of it’s features, since 2.23 renders faster and a lot of scripts only work on 2.23.
The api in 2.25 is not the same as the 2.23 api.
Personnaly, I only use 2.25 when I need one of it’s features, since 2.23 renders faster and a lot of scripts only work on 2.23.
Hi Theeth!
If I want write new version of my BlenderMakeHead script,
where I can found the 2.25 API? It’s very different?
And, in your opinion, why Blender API don’t want a retro-compatibility?
Manuel Bastioni
Hey Manuel!
Most of the features of the 2.23 api are in 2.25, except the Blender210 api. Also, it seems (to me at least) a bit more picky on module imports. Sometimes it works, sometiems it doesn’t. But the main Blender module has really more feature in 2.23 than in 2.25. And the Text editor automaticly goes to the line where an error occure.
Thanks Theeth!
Mhh…is very strange that my Headscript don’t work under 2.25:
I don’t use the 210 api…
I can’t verify the Nerddogs problem
because I don’t have 2.25 (ehm…sorry, I’m without stable work :-? ).
I’m waiting for the new API documentation to improve my old
script (or make a new) : it will be released when Blender begin opensource?
The (first?) error is on line 217 in Working : attributeError “BezTriple”.
It seems to be “BezierPoint” now, not tested.
Yes, jms that’s the error I’m getting too.
What kind of error is my grass generator pulling up?
by the way… what grass generator are you referring to? i’m curious because i’ve looking for one lately…
Hi all,
? for Manual:
when i go to download the BMHS zip file from your site , and go to
unzip it I get a “not a zip file” error from winzip.
and also when i download the BMHS blend file and open it in Blender,
i get a “not a blend file” error in blender,
i know it works ,cuz i downloaded it when you first offered it,
just wondering if i`m the only one with this problem,
to RipString:
your grass generator is working just fine here on
my sons “Win.98SE”
Thanks to the both of you guy`s for sharing these great scripts.