I’m getting mad with this :mad: I’ve made a blender project: two simple characters, some lights, camera movements,…nothing special, my first project. I want to insert an object emitting particles for some frames of my project. Don’t know what I’ve messed up, but can’t get the particles to appear. Only hair is working, but as soon as I choose emitter nothing happens. I’ve tried creating a new sample project, a cube with particles, just to see if I understood how particles work and yes, it works perfectly, but not in my almost finished project. I don’t know maybe there’s something that I have inadvertly switcched off…
Please help me! I can’t re.build the project from scratch to fix this issue. Thanks.
Are you baking the particles? In 2.46 you need to bake the particles to see any movement.
On the sample project I wrote about I didn’t any baking but it worked. However I tried your kind suggestion, by baking it, but, unfortunately, nothing changed. No particles.
hm… sounds like you have Normal velocity value working. Do you think you can upload the .blend or at least a pic of the particle panel for reference? Thanks in advance!
I even tried to remove almost everything from my project leaving only a cube with particles. No way. It doesn’t work. I’m attaching this piece of project. If someone has time and will to look into it…
particles.blend (807 KB)
You need to set your particles to start on the frame you want them to appear and end on the frame you want them to dissappear I think - your pic shows frame 396, but your particles are set to 1-100 right? Maybe this is it, hope so…
no. they are set to start at frame 396 and end at 420.
Your Bake is still set to start at 1 and end at 250. You need to also set the Bake to begin at 396 and run to whatever frame.
Matt, THANK YOU!!! I didn-t even notice this when I tried baking :eek:
Huh, sorry, I was reading the screen shot you posted - I didn’t dl the blend to check that too.
The only thing I still don-t understand is why in this sample project (see attach) thing work without baking.
untitled.blend (323 KB)
Since the problem you had was in not assigning the correct frame range, I think the problem has little to do with baking or not baking, but that you ranges were off. Go back to a saved version of the animation in question, free the bake, and then test it again to see if it works without baking. If I understand correctly, the baking allows the computer to cache the data prior to render so that there is less computation to be done at render time. If not baked, the computer will have to simultaneously work through all the data…
or I could be wrong again.