can't get sss to work properly

Hey, I am making several fruit/vegie models for my schools advertising campaign,
and am stuck on the pumpkin. The model was really easy to create, but i can’t get light to pass through properly. I have tried sss again and again to get a sort of halloween effect, but no banana(or pumpkin).
Could someone who is more experience than me with blender post a screen shot or something of some good sss settings for pumpkins? thnx… :o

put a lamp in the pumpkin and turn up the translucency slider.

Hey, I saw your post and decided to take a stab at a pumpkin a la cartoony, I didn’t donate a image texture to the cause, but I could whip up one if you wanted it.

I hope forgotten fall colours fit your schedule.


pumakin.blend (43.5 KB)