I’ve come into a very frustrating problem in blender. I was modeling a squirrel when I realized that I had made a little mistake- I didn’t make the right edge loop for the arms. Since I had already made the arms completely, I couldn’t undo enough to get back to where I wanted to be. I ended up having to just delete the arms, leaving myself with a gaping hole in the front of the mesh.
I’ve had this problem many times before, and thought I could fix it. Now, I’m not so sure. The only way I got this to work was to select all the vertices around the hole and hit F, which gives me a face. However, I can’t make an edge loop through this face. I tried other things including subdividing the lines where I want to make edge loops and then hitting F to manually make a line, but this leaves tiny undesired curves and holes in the mesh. Without knowing how to subdivide this face, I’m going to be forced to start over from scratch.
It looks like the face that is preventing your loop is an n-gon. You need to convert that into quads.
I’m somewhat new to blender so there may be better ways than what I’m going to suggest but I’ll offer what I can.
You can delete the face. The edge on the right side of your screenshot can be subdivided. You can then select vertices on either side of the gaping hole and use F to create edges. The edges can then be selected a few at a time to create quads. The face you created earlier will end up being a number of faces. I’m not sure how many faces because your screen shot cropped the bottom of it so I can’t see how many you’ll end up with.
Remember to relax and have fun with this and you’ll be able to think more clearly. Don’t panic. It’s just faces, edges, and vertices. Of course your mesh can be fixed :eyebrowlift:
Yep! The problem is that you’ve got a face with more than 4 sides (an n-gon) and most 3D modelling programs, Blender included, don’t play too well with those. Having more than 4 sides means the program doesn’t know which edge the loop should exit from. What you need to do is convert it into a 4 sided quad face- The knife tool (“K” key) can help here; use it to divide your face into multiple quads instead. Then you can add the loop!
as tidy also said, edge loops only works on quads. it wont work on triangles either. neither anything with more than 4 sides.
one way is to use the knifetool, but you can also delete the face (use face only) and extrude the verts to the middle, cause i see you have a mirror modifier