Hi, only been using blender for a week so this might be an obvious fix.
I only have one camera in my scene and it’s set as the active camera. It’s set to move along a path and follow an empty mesh that’s also moving, following the invisble object through my scene. This can be viewed by going into camera view (numpad 0) and playing the animation. When I hit F12 to view the rendered frame it’s completely different. I also fully rendered my animation and it was like this. It’s jumping around, as if following a camera path (but not mine), and there’s a random black gap. Added another camera and set it as active. The render was the same.
Welcome to Blender, and I applaud you: You are doing some ambitious things after only a week. My first thoughts were that perhaps you have extra key frames in the timeline, or that the order of constraints might b mixed up (“Follow Path” then “Track To”). On the other hand, this would show up in the camera view as you ran the animation.
It would be helpful if you could upload the .blend file (and note what version you are using). Perhaps this site, if you have no other means:
Hello, thank you for replying! I’ve had a look through my timeline and I can’t see anything that looks suspicious to me. I’m not sure about the constraints but I think it might be something different because I added a new camera, with no constraints, and it was the exact same when rendered. Not sure what I’ve done haha.
I’ve just uploaded the blender file, had to use Pasteall as the file was too big. I think I’m using version 2.81a.
I tried to organise the file layers a bit by hiding the random buildings in the background so there’s less visual clutter.
When I opened your file and rendered, I got nothing - no color, just alpha (v2.81.16) . I tried again in the version I just started using (2.82.6), and the same thing happened.
Next, I un-hid everything in your file (Alt-H), selected all (A-key), and copied it to the buffer (CTRL-C). I opened a new Blender file, deleted everything (A-key, X-key), and pasted (CTRL-V). Everything rendered, and matched the camera view.
This does not explain what was wrong with your original file, but may be a solution.
Let me know if this works, or if there is anything else you need help with.