Hey guys. So as the title explains, I can’t render with my GPUs. I have two GTX 970s with a SLI bridge, I’m using a 2009 MacPro, I’m using Mac OS 10.12, Blender 2.75, 2.77, and 2.78, and my drivers are up to date. It use to work with Blender 2.75 and 2.77, but sometime after I updated to Mac OS 10.12, it stopped. To be honest, I haven’t used Blender in a while, it’s a hobby at the moment. So I can’t say exactly when it stopped, just that it’s sometime after I updated my OS. I’ve reset my VRAM, googled my issue, and nothing. Whenever I try to render, I get the message “OpenCL build failed: errors in console,” go to the Python Console, and there’s nothing. This is really frustrating, PLEASE HELP!
Hey guys. Well, I figured it out. I realized that it was trying to use OpenCL instead of CUDA, so I found a CUDA drive update, and now it works. Moral of the story: make sure ALL of your drivers are up to date. Thanks
Glad you got it working!
Thanks Director, me too. I don’t what I would’ve done if my GPU’s didn’t work.