Can't save texture image

Working on my first scene and I can’t save the texture image

Keeps saying Invalid Path…

How are you trying to save the image texture (I assume from the image editor ?)
Where are you trying to save the image texture
Have you saved your blend file before saving

Also please use the appropriate support forum for support questions, they are not just there for show !
Moved from General Forums / Blender and CG Discussions to Support / Materials and Textures

Trying to save the Texture I painted, and yes I saved the blend file
Whenever I reopen the file the texture is gone

Nevermind I figured it out :slight_smile:

So I assume screw anyone else who may have the same problem and found this thread looking for an answer !
The forums are not just for you, they are about sharing and helping each other

I just saved the image in the UV editor and not in the Texture paint <- solution (for me anyways)

In this case it’s a simple solution. But that’s not important. If you leave the answer in your thread, and it’s the first port of call for a viewer who may be just starting out, then they don’t need to look any further, dig up old threads, or start new ones. They’re not left wondering what kind of complex voodoo magic you performed to resolve the problem.

Sometimes a straight forward, simple solution is exactly what’s needed. :slight_smile:

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You need to know a little more about basic behavior in Blender.

Blender stores nothing by default …Which is not in use when You save Blend file…!!!

If You want to save Data to Blend file…When Save a Blend file…Eg…Texture/images.

Top Menuline…File/External Data/ TIC Box…Pack Automatically into Blend file…Think You need to use Ctrl U = Save startup file.

Blender Will Save Texture now with the Blend file.

Uv/Image Editor is used to save to External files…Hd…Etc.

First time You save a texture in Texturepaint…You need to save through the Uv/Image Editor…!!!

If You use the save in T - Panel…You will get a invalid Patch…!!!

When saved in Uv/Image Editor first time…Save Blend file.

Now the Save in T - Panel will work in Texturepaint…It will save to Your Blend file but not to the External file…You saved in Uv/Image Editor.

This is how I understand it…But I’m a Noob I could be wrong…Puff Puff
