What sould I do…what should my settings be, I think I did everithing right…
looks to me that everything is all right
in fact, Blender has 3 transparency modes:
The first one mixes the World color to the base material color proportionnaly to the Alpha value. Your World is white and apparently you used Alpha 0 or a Alpha map with black colors.
In your case, you should use ZTransp (Material buttons, Mirror Transp tab, activate ZTransp button).
How do you upload pictures for others to view???
I know I’m suppposed to answer questions, not ask them, but how can you upload?
~JACE~ [!]
get the ling of you image and go
no spaces though
Jace, maybe post your question in your own thread. Kashoki may not appreciate the hijack :-? To short cut to an answer https://blenderartists.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=54593&highlight=pasting+images
Olivs is 100%, but I might chip in with my 5c
Another method you might consider is:
i) Delete the ‘world’ to ensure your background is rendered as alphaclear- Shading (f5) /World buttons, click the ‘x’ next to WO:World.
ii) Switch scene settings (f10) to render with alpha- Under the format panel change ‘save image as’ to .png format, and switch setting to render with RGB and alpha (the rgba button, also located in the format panel).
I commonly use this method to render a model against an alpha background; .png format exports to photoshop or similar without any problems.
Hope this helps.
Thanks you all especially oliS and David…and it’s ok jace no harm done.
We are all here to learn
Here is the somewhat final result…thanks again.
Great render, Kashoki. Just out of interest, what was the problem/ fix?
Thanks…my alpha map rendered only the world and not the objects behind itI did everithing pretty good but forgot to turn on Ztrans…I am sick today so my brain is not functioning properly…
This might be in the repository soon when I am done with the project…just a learning experiance.
Good to know- thanks. I’ll look forward to checking out the final blend.